Online House Guides

/Online House Guides

Online House Guides

Should you create an online house guide? Wait, what is a such a guide?

The short answer to the first question is absolutely yes.

An online house guide is similar to the printed booklet some hosts leave for their guests in their properties with simple instructions to use some appliances or other amenities, suggestions on nearby restaurants and places to visit, and check out requests and times. However, we develop online versions that are sent to booked guests for the simple following reasons:

      1. Unlike printed guides, online versions include how-to videos, images, and cleared instructions with references to contact us or other resources, both external and internal, so content is essentially unlimited;
      2. Guests love to be in control and prefer to figure things out by themselves. Providing detailed instructions to use something empowers them, and reduces the chances of them breaking it;
      3. The guide will reduce guest anxiety when arriving to a new place, and having visual guides will make the check in and property usage much more stress free for them (and for you);
      4. There will be fewer guest questions and better reviews;
      5. An online version is much easier to update than a printed one, although leaving a printed version is also recommended; and
      6. Airbnb usage demographic group digs this stuff!

Here is an example of one of our online house guides:
pwd: RusticCabin

What is the approximate price for an similar guide? About US$2,000, but depending on your features, number of amenities, how-to video requests, and other content and design requests, your price may vary.

We typically include in the price the professional picture session, the consulting, how-to videos, domain and hosting maintenance, and content writing.

Convinced? Contact us and we can discuss your needs in more detailed to develop your own online house guide.

By | 2020-08-17T14:11:46+00:00 January 27th, 2019|Feature, General, Summer, Warm Countries|0 Comments

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